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Résultats de recherche
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Dream-work in ministry (in Korean Christian context)
1 de 10
An experiment in teaching spiritual care to nurses
2 de 10
Discipleship nurturing through small group Bible study in Korean immigrant church
3 de 10
In search of Diakonia: the quest of a Black congregation
4 de 10
To encourage indigenization of worship
5 de 10
A survey of the Korean Christians in the Chicago area
6 de 10
Effective preaching in an era of biblical amnesia
7 de 10
Sanctuary or advocacy? support group or political activism? a struggle for focus in ministry at Lutherans Concerned/Chicago
8 de 10
New wineskins for new wine
9 de 10
A case study with insights from the book of Job: implications for contemporary pastoral care
10 de 10