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Résultats de recherche
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Laughter as healing grace
1 de 10
Mutual ministry through the House Church
2 de 10
Feminist liturgies: efforts towards creative transformation in the Roman Catholic Church
3 de 10
Human potential and pastoral counseling
4 de 10
Death and new life in urban churches: case studies of selected CIT churches, 1977-1985
5 de 10
Teaching an introductory course in Bible (New Testament) to undergraduates in a public college or university
6 de 10
The ministry of spiritual development: a case study of didactic pastoral counseling in the priestly tradition of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church
7 de 10
Renewal in a congregation: establishing a health cabinet
8 de 10
'Brother George': a case study of the influence of the Church of God teaching of holiness on one pastor
9 de 10
Working with a client's religion: a Kohutian perspective
10 de 10