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Résultats de recherche
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The transforming power of biblical study: a critical reflection on three approaches
1 de 10
The double yoke: married partners in co-ministry
2 de 10
Toward a theory of the power of children's stories
3 de 10
Guiding principles, a model of the content, and a model of the teaching process for a new catechism
4 de 10
How well do you know your church? consciousness raising through the use of survey material in the local church
5 de 10
A pedagogical treatment of Luther's explanation of the Apostles' Creed based on the Black experience
6 de 10
Image clarification: implications for clergy and lay leaders
7 de 10
A method for marriage disillusionment
8 de 10
A framework of interpretation for pastoral marital counseling
9 de 10
'The Jesus Gang': learnings from the encounter of a traditional Sunday school with the children of the city
10 de 10