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Résultats de recherche
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The hospital chaplain as an agent of change
1 de 10
The church and Latin American community development
2 de 10
Ministerial self understanding in relation to the management of conflict within the parish: a method for ministerial self-assessment in relation to conflict
3 de 10
Who will be the next 100?
4 de 10
Gestaltibana as ministry and religious experience
5 de 10
The mission and ministry of the church among the Chinese community in Chicago
6 de 10
The use of dramatic resources in preaching
7 de 10
Must charismatics split the church?: (Koinonea in the crucible of corporate worship)
8 de 10
Polygamy and the church in Africa
9 de 10
Ministry and the church life in contemporary Taiwan
10 de 10