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Résultats de recherche
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Dance is a celebration of wholeness
1 de 10
Identity and Christian ministry in Japan
2 de 10
Beyond the starve-in: youth and world hunger
3 de 10
Pluralizing a youth program: multiple approaches to relate youth to their church
4 de 10
Economic triage: a new role for health care chaplains?
5 de 10
Congregational linkage for missional ministry: examination of the endeavor of two urban churches to create a new form of faithful witness
6 de 10
A coming out process for gays and lesbians from a pastoral counselling perspective
7 de 10
Pointing to the moon: reflecting on the possibility of an authentic spirituality
8 de 10
Husband and wife co-pastoring in the Mennonite Church: exploring an emerging form of pastoring
9 de 10
Ministry to the offender
10 de 10