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Résultats de recherche
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Towards the revitalization of an urban synagogue
1 de 10
Contextualization: toward a meaningful and relevant ministry in context
2 de 10
Enlisting lay people in the care ministry of the church
3 de 10
A pastor's guideline for the referral of the aged, chronically ill and disabled to long-term healthcare
4 de 10
A study of Black Seventh Day Adventist worship
5 de 10
Videotape intervention in the pastoral care of the newly-institutionalized aged: a pilot project exploring the possibilities for a research design
6 de 10
Covenant, common ground for interfaith couples: a resource for Protestant campus ministers
7 de 10
Churches-in-transition: reflections on selected problems and approaches to transition based on the Chicago experience
8 de 10
Sharing Elijah's mantle: authority and relationship in dual pastorates in the Christian Reformed Church
9 de 10
A teaching project in the theology of personality and pastoral care for ministers of store-front churches
10 de 10