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Bible storytelling and Christian education
1 de 10
Utilizing sponsors trained in the cultivation of 'friendship bridges' to assimilate new members into a church
2 de 10
The impact of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land on the spiritual life of United Methodists. . .
3 de 10
A model for the renewal of the Korean church: lay witnessing the gospel of the Kingdom through their lives in the world
4 de 10
Equipping laypeople to use a visitation video as a tool for outreach and evangelism in the local church
5 de 10
Be a neighbor, be a friend: the utilization of servant evangelism as an outreach model to impact a target community
6 de 10
Covenanting in an urban context
7 de 10
Continuing loss: living with the death of a child, a retreat for bereaved parents
8 de 10
The spirituality of religious brothers in the Scalabrinian community
9 de 10
Preaching from the Old Testament: some biblical, theoretical reflections and holiletic practice
10 de 10