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The implementation and impact of the alpha training and course on leaders at Forest Hills United Methodist Church
1 de 10
An evaluation of the application of the commitment level model church in a Latin American church
2 de 10
Growing together in Christ: improving marital intimacy through conjoint prayer
3 de 10
The future of South American church leadership: images, behaviors and competencies
4 de 10
Empowering effective fathering through an informational-relational model of local church men's ministry
5 de 10
The reconciling congregation program: one church's struggle
6 de 10
Rethinking mission policy and practice of missionaries of the Presbyterian Church of Korea (Tonghap) in the Philippines
7 de 10
Ordinary time: celebrating encounter and growth in short fiction
8 de 10
Training group members of Loving Road Bible study group of El Cerrito Chinese Christian Church in the development of small-group ministry
9 de 10
A two-weekend seminar for training the leaders and members . . . in basic skills necessary to surface and resolve low-level church conflict
10 de 10