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Résultats de recherche
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A study for management method of the Christian Youth Cultural Class
1 de 10
A support group for pastors in the central Arkansas area
2 de 10
An evaluation of the effectiveness of liturgical preaching for spiritual formation
3 de 10
Towards stable and sustainable community
4 de 10
Case studies in pastoral leadership, 20
5 de 10
Proclaiming hope in the face of aging using selected Psalms
6 de 10
An encounter between Andean folktale values and biblical values: method and meaning
7 de 10
Sacred bridges, holy play: a study of the contemplative function of the arts in liturgical worship
8 de 10
'To all those scattered throughout' (1 Peter): foundations for a theology and spirituality for redemptive ministry to exiles, refugees. .
9 de 10
At home in the journey: a process of theological reflection for missioners in transition
10 de 10