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Résultats de recherche
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Improving the quality of life in old age: a Christian view in modern Japanese context
1 de 10
Toward development of a mentoring program for the pastoral students of Southeastern Bible College, Birmingham, Alabama
2 de 10
Developing a worship center which reflects a Lutheran congregation's mission statement
3 de 10
The pastor's role in leading a process of change in an established church
4 de 10
Development of the Korean component in a model for multi-ethnic ministry in an urban setting: a model of church integration
5 de 10
Teaching believers the value of character-based decision-making
6 de 10
An evaluation of faith-sharing training in a United Methodist congregation
7 de 10
Revitalization of the Mun Soo Presbyterian Church with senior citizens
8 de 10
A primer on pluralism: a layman's guide to understanding the language and characteristics of the multiple worldviews in our culture today
9 de 10
Transitioning the educational ministry of Champion Forest baptist Church from program-driven to purpose-centered
10 de 10