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Résultats de recherche
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Intentional marginality: reviewing Comboni missionary formation through the lens of culture
1 de 10
A case study of Zaporozhye Bible College as a model for providing Bible college education in modern-day Ukraine
2 de 10
An African-American church's response to the economic needs of its members
3 de 10
A program to help Vietnamese couples in the management of marital stress
4 de 10
Basic biblical teachings in the context of three major religious worldviews in Viet Nam
5 de 10
Deacon training in prison
6 de 10
New church planting: development of blue print and field tests
7 de 10
Teaching homiletics inductively in the Bible College
8 de 10
Motivational preaching as the factor for promoting relational evangelism
9 de 10
Increasing intimacy in Christian marriages by examining the Song of Songs
10 de 10