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Résultats de recherche
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Bringing the touch of Jesus to the residents of health care centers on Sunday morning
1 de 10
The impact of spiritual formation on church growth among United Methodist church elders: West Virginia
2 de 10
A biblical approach to the inclusion of women preachers: in the Progressive Tar River Missionary Baptist Association
3 de 10
Spiritual direction for an older adult group in a mid-sized church
4 de 10
A process for realizing spiritual gift potential
5 de 10
Increasing lay leadership through the servant/follower leadership model
6 de 10
A transferable orientation process for new student directors in the Northwest Baptist Convention
7 de 10
The light of the world: congregational identity and church revitalization
8 de 10
Encouraging a shared ministry plan through development and implementation of a bivocational ministry covenant
9 de 10
Developing structures for health and growth: Northgate Free Methodist Church, Batavia, New York
10 de 10