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Learning organization theory applied to congregational development
1 de 10
Revisioning Pentecostal Bible College education: towards a pedagogy for renewal
2 de 10
Reviving the small church and bringing it to a plateau of strength and power in the community
3 de 10
The use of electronic communications as a tool in congregational renewal: Carrone Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, Pa.
4 de 10
Connecting church and community: church renewal using small groups based on Pentecost, Wesley, and family systems
5 de 10
An evaluation of the state of preaching in the Trans-Tasman Union Conference: Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia
6 de 10
The Jesus riddles: challenges to discipleship in the parables
7 de 10
A methodology for preaching Old Testament narrative to an independent Baptist congregation: suburban Chicago
8 de 10
A process for revitalizing a plateaued church in a suburban setting
9 de 10
Confessional study in the officer training of baby boomers and baby busters: [religious identity formation in the Presbyterian Church (USA)]
10 de 10