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In their own words : stories of healing and practices for the church
1 de 10
Gentleness in pastoral care as a way of bringing healing to congregations within a culture of harshness
2 de 10
Privacy and the prayers of the people
3 de 10
Toward a consistent ethic-of-life mission for the Wesleyan Church : A primer and an educational process
4 de 10
The stained glass ceiling : the development of women pastoral associates in the Archdiocese of Baltimore
5 de 10
Empowerment of women in the Catholic Church : An experimental study in group process
6 de 10
Conversations at the edge of life : unmet spiritual needs
7 de 10
Crisis pregnancy : A time of decision making, a call to ministry
8 de 10
Creating visual art as a congregational practice
9 de 10
Catholic evangelization in mission communities in rural Appalachia : Reflections on personal and Glenmary experiences
10 de 10