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Résultats de recherche
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Introspection and prayer in Christian maturation: a course of study and discipline
1 de 10
Affirming varieties of religious experience: a model for the affirmation of pluralism in the local church
2 de 10
Preaching: proclamation and art, a case study of the use of the arts in the preaching ministry of the church
3 de 10
An examination of army family environments and their perceptions by army chaplains
4 de 10
Deciding for responsible behavior: a curriculum designed for teaching moral education at the United States Recruit Training Command
5 de 10
Ministerial performance of Catholic clergy in the Diocese of Cleveland
6 de 10
Living the Christian faith in artistic creations
7 de 10
Marriage enrichment: a comprehensive model in a Christian context
8 de 10
The congregation in crisis: a contextual approach to managing conflict between neo-Pentecostal authoritarianism and Lutheranism
9 de 10
A critical analysis of the church's ministry to urban squatters in the Mathare Valley and a proposed model for future ministry
10 de 10