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Résultats de recherche
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A pastoral awareness of dreams in the age thirty transition in women
1 de 10
An adult church membership course based on a model of process theology
2 de 10
Social and religious conflicts within the ethnic families
3 de 10
Two models of ministry: a study of confirmation models and the views of Lutheran youth as to their church identity
4 de 10
The implications of student personnel's concept of student development for theological education at Bethel Seminary
5 de 10
Before you build: a handbook of theological and liturgical considerations for mission, worship, and the meeting place
6 de 10
Grief in the loss of a pastor: implications for interim ministry
7 de 10
Plan to develop caring skills to enable people in Northeast United Presbyterian Church St. Petersburg, Fla. to minister to bereaved
8 de 10
The development of a model for the training of leaders for caring groups within the local church
9 de 10
A comforting congregation: a program for training lay christians in ministering to the dying and grieving
10 de 10