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Connectional spirituality : small church pastors and the future of the church
1 de 10
Black pastor, white church : using positive psychology as a mission-driven strategy for building and sustaining diverse multicultural congregations
2 de 10
Birthing the birthright : Midwife leadership style with African American clergywomen
3 de 10
Clergy incarnate : embodied metaphors as epistemic gateways to the ideological commitments of ministers
4 de 10
Bi-vocational ministry : what works from the perspective of bi-vocational ministers and their congregants
5 de 10
Addressing the wounds of racism through the lens of moral injury : a qualitative study drawing on Black liberation and Womanist theology
6 de 10
African American women facing reentry : the impact of race, gender, and faith after incarceration
7 de 10
'Where two or three are gathered...' : a study of multiple Christian congregations under one steeple
8 de 10
A critical analysis of the need to establish, develop, and maintain libraries for parish churches
9 de 10
'We are the ones we've been waiting for' : a case study of the interfaith coalition building blocks for Wilmington
10 de 10