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Résultats de recherche
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Undivided devotion: risking deeper commitment to discipleship
1 de 10
Program development, implementation and evaluation of 'Armageddon and Beyond Multimedia Presentations'
2 de 10
From brokenness to healing: a journey--pastoral care and the spirituality of people from Latin America who have suffered torture
3 de 10
The pre-natal development of new congregations
4 de 10
Back to the future: a missional strategy of small group community for a postmodern mainline church
5 de 10
Practicing Sabbath: a spiritual discipline for the twenty-first century church
6 de 10
Soul for mission: the communal practice of bible study for the missional formation of the congregation
7 de 10
Mission, vocation, and approaches to ministry in daily life
8 de 10
Money and the church's mission: stewarding the stewards
9 de 10
A process for the discovery and discernment of a congregation's religious convictions and spirituality through their stories
10 de 10