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The use of spiritual autobiographies to promote closer relationships among men: a program implemented among the vowed men of the Community of Jesus
1 de 10
The church as a learning organization: leadership and resistance to change in local congregations
2 de 10
NCCBA mission outpost manual: helping churches overcome cultural barriers to making disciples
3 de 10
M. Thomas Thangaraj's 'missio humanitatis' as applied to Jewish-Christian study and dialogue on the congregational level
4 de 10
Christianity and healing: an ethnological theology for the EPC of Togo
5 de 10
Mission in today's world: implications of accompaniment and communio for a Lutheran evangelism
6 de 10
Multicultural theological education at the Kazakhstan Evangelical Christian Seminary
7 de 10
New Testament foundations for the healing ministry in the Lutheran church
8 de 10
Defining a Lutheran concept of evangelism and mission for the contemporary church
9 de 10
Emergency services chaplaincy training for ministers
10 de 10