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How christologies may be shaped by the broader visual cultural environment
1 de 10
'Come away by yourself and rest awhile' : retreat as a model of self-care for United Methodist clergy
2 de 10
'Pastor can we talk' : a retrospective study of how the Black church fails to support sexually abused Black women
3 de 10
'Is it a savior?' : finding salvation in Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Batman
4 de 10
Guatemalan Mennonite women at prayer : religious heritages and social circumstances shape the prayers of Ladina and Q'eqchi' women
5 de 10
The Thoughtful Proclaimer:Using An Inductive Dual Authorial Intent Hermeneuticto Offer Preachers In Nigeria A Wayto Prepare Expository Sermons
6 de 10
Hospitality to individuals on the autism spectrum and their families
7 de 10
Cultivating a culture of electronic evangelism
8 de 10
Gone fishing : marketing faith to millennials in the postmodern era
9 de 10
Developing a New Member Assimilation Strategy for Dawson Memorial Baptist Church, Birmingham, Alabama
10 de 10