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Small group revitalization within the central Florida district of the Church of the Nazarene
1 de 10
The impact of a Wesleyan model of spiritual formation upon readiness for leadership activity in a United Methodist Church
2 de 10
Training Network 2000 for developing Christ Community Church of Lawrence, Kansas, as a disciple-making church
3 de 10
The use of support systems by pastors of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church as a means of maintaining spiritual well-being and coping with burnout
4 de 10
Implementing a church orientation program to enhance the commitment level of participants in the Evangleical Free Bible Church of Wall, South Dakota
5 de 10
Understanding and responding to the world of the spirits: a study in the Old Testament view of spirits and their power
6 de 10
Increasing assimilation and decreasing attrition through the development of a lay ministry and congregational care program
7 de 10
The gathering: empowerment events for isolated stressed seminary students
8 de 10
Church, school, parents, and community in collaboration to improve academic performance in 'at-risk' students through character education
9 de 10
They will cast out demons: how Christian exorcism is practiced in North America
10 de 10