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Résultats de recherche
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Developing an Emergency Response Strategy for Smiths Station Baptist Church, Smiths Station, Alabama
1 de 10
Developing a Holistic Religious Support Strategy for the Alabama National Guard's 135th Expeditionary Sustainment Command
2 de 10
Equipping Selected Members of Griffith Memorial Baptist Church, Jackson, Mississippi, in Ministry to Widowed Members
3 de 10
Developing a Senior-Adult Ministry Revitalization Strategy for First Baptist Church, O'Fallon, Illinois
4 de 10
Equipping Parents at Southside Baptist Church, Ozark, Alabama, as the Primary Disciple Makers of Their Children
5 de 10
Developing a Leadership Organizational Strategy for Blue Creek Baptist Church, Perry, Florida
6 de 10
Strategic Leadership and Educational Ministry Leadership
7 de 10
Equipping Selected Members of Immanuel Baptist Church, Greenwood, Mississippi, with Conversational Evangelism Skills
8 de 10
Developing a Disciple-Making Strategy for the Student Ministry of First Baptist Church, Corinth, Texas
9 de 10
Equipping Selected Members of Big Canoe Chapel, Big Canoe, Georgia, to Integrate Specific Disciplines of Prayer Modeled in Scripture
10 de 10