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An examination of the pastoral rites for ministry to the sick as found in the Orthodox Christian euchologians.
1 de 10
Assisting parents to cope with the separation of tenth grade students to schools outside of Saudi Arabia
2 de 10
Liturgy and life: a ten-week course of study for Byzantine Catholics.
3 de 10
A discipler approach for ministering to people who struggle with homosexuality
4 de 10
Recounting God's story with a poetic imagination: a biblical presentation aimed at cultivating assurance and hope in the elderly believers at The Caring Place Nursing Home
5 de 10
Information technology: equipping believers to face the future
6 de 10
Wise as a serpent: the practical theology of Reinhold Niebuhr
7 de 10
The pull to prayer
8 de 10
The impact of the long-term pastorate
9 de 10
Enhancing the worship life of the congregation: a model for adding a new worship service in the church
10 de 10