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The harvest is plentiful
1 de 10
Vertical living in a horizontal world: navigating toward a constructive public theology
2 de 10
Following a model recommended by Harvard Business School Professor John P. Kotter, in the book Leading change, c. 1996, the pastor endeavors to 'establish a sense of urgency' for change in order to prompt congregational renewal in the historic...
3 de 10
A light for revelation to the Gentiles: preaching the Old Testament in the United Church of Canada
4 de 10
Reaching Generation X: a case study from Sydney, Australia
5 de 10
The ecological crisis brought about by the modernization process in South Korea
6 de 10
Speaking love's name: lament as a spiritual theodicy of queer Christians and our advocates in the age of AIDS
7 de 10
The mission and ministry of the Rotuman congregations in Australia: a guide to the congregations and local pastor
8 de 10
The quest: models for Euro-American male spirituality based on legends of the search for the Holy Grail
9 de 10
Moving beyond Sunday school: the local congregation as a place for theological and faith formation
10 de 10