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The congregational plot: preaching, conflict + growth
1 de 10
Speaking Paulistano: some foundations toward communicating the gospel to S√£o Paulo's middle-class
2 de 10
Planning the content and the teaching for an inquiry-based Masters level course in theological research methodology
3 de 10
Equipping small group leaders for the ministry at Christian Fellowship Church
4 de 10
A seminar designed to assist ministers in the improvement of their preaching
5 de 10
Biblical reflections on spiritual conflict for the equipping of cross-cultural missionaries
6 de 10
Managing a missionary hostage crisis: a case study
7 de 10
Church planting as a method of assimilating new converts from the Tampa Bay Area Billy Graham Crusade
8 de 10
A disciple-making strategy of hope for the alcohol addict
9 de 10
More than money! A modified content analysis of written material regarding the relationship between sponsoring churches and their new church plants in the Southern Baptist Convention
10 de 10