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Four training lessons for follow-up to an evangelistic event
1 de 10
Twelve urban middle-class churches planted and being developed in Bogota, Columbia: lessons from experience
2 de 10
Church-based leadership training factors contributing to the development of spiritual authority in Filipino male leaders
3 de 10
Developing a comprehensive system for making disciples at Calvary Baptist Church of South Bend, Indiana
4 de 10
The double binds of denominational ministry: reflections on wider ministry with particular reference to the western area of the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ
5 de 10
Developing a family training and resource center to strengthen families of First Church and its community
6 de 10
Will a difference of content retention and personal impact be demonstrated between narrative and propositional preaching for those ages eight to fifteen: Lincoln Berean Church
7 de 10
Developing 'exchanged-life' disciples through the Sunday School: First Baptist Church, Powell, Tennessee
8 de 10
Leading an adminstrative process for placing a catalytic missionary in rural Nevada
9 de 10
Evaluating strategies for enabling extension center students at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary to meet the curriculum requirements in the spiritual and character formation competency
10 de 10