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Characteristics of the catechetical church: stand forth in mighty conflict
1 de 10
Preferential option for the poor in a first world setting: practical theology in a liberating key
2 de 10
A spirituality for intercultural seminary formation for diocesan priesthood
3 de 10
From 'Berakah' to 'Misa ng bayang pilipino': exploring the depths of a eucharistic spirituality through the Philipino rite
4 de 10
Constructing a theological methodology for a lay leadership formation situated in the Midwest Pastoral de Conjunto
5 de 10
A mustard seed that grew: the story of a ministry that flourished beyond all expectations
6 de 10
Fiery encounters: a spirituality of renewal for Christian workers among the urban poor
7 de 10
A survey of selected house church leaders regarding the cults with the strongest impact on their churches in the People's Republic of China, including counteractive teaching measures
8 de 10
A men's ministry for the small church
9 de 10
Pastoral care to families affected by drug addiction
10 de 10