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Called as partners in Christ's service: equipping the saints for caring ministry
1 de 10
Assimilating people in a local church from corporate worship to small groups
2 de 10
Missional evangelism: reaching the generations contextually
3 de 10
A mentoring process of disciple making for Crosspoint Community Church
4 de 10
On my heart imprint your image: preaching the Bible imaginatively
5 de 10
The development of a philosophy for confronting evil and suffering by those who have suffered as a basis for providing care for fellow sufferers
6 de 10
Measuring the effectiveness of the couple communication program on improving the marital satisfaction of Christian adult children of alcoholics
7 de 10
Effects of Bible study on adolescent permissive sexual attitudes
8 de 10
Household worship: life after the benediction
9 de 10
Empowering the members of Waterbury Baptist Ministries to minister to summer mission teams by developing and implementing a spiritual working inner city retreat
10 de 10