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Design and evaluation of a college theological course on the false doctrines and practices of the Word of Faith Movement
1 de 10
Equipping and mobilizing teams of Filipino lay ministers for church planting
2 de 10
The Gospel of Luke: mirror and vision for Christian stewards of today
3 de 10
A mentoring program in marriage enrichment for selected couples at the First Baptist Church, Petal Mississippi
4 de 10
Enhancing vision leadership in a selected group of lay leaders and staff through collaborative reflection on shared ministry experiences in a large, Central Florida, United Methodist Church
5 de 10
The response to different preaching styles by the members of the congregation at West Croydon Baptist Church, London, England, who differ in age, church background and Christian commitment
6 de 10
A program to train selected church members of Faith Promise Church, Oak Ridge, Tennessee in a visitor retention ministry
7 de 10
Equipping pastors and church leaders in the Medina River Baptist Association, and the Uganda Fellowhip of Baptist Churches, Uganda, East Africa, with a balanced evangelism ministry model for the local church
8 de 10
Home for supper: the sacraments as feast and fountain for the sermon
9 de 10
Equipping a generation X ministry team to communicate effectively the ten commandments in a series of postmodern worship services
10 de 10