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Résultats de recherche
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Enabling growth in an African American rural congregation
1 de 10
A theological and practical reflection on a training program for caregivers of the dying
2 de 10
Stress reduction in the Warrick County sheriff's department
3 de 10
The journey remembered: seeing God and seeking empowerment through spiritual autobiography
4 de 10
Appeal to head and heart: the integration of emotional bonding for effective preaching
5 de 10
Enhancing the Spirit-filled life of a Korean immigrant congregation
6 de 10
Re-forming the congregation in the Wesleyan tradition: new vision for a small New England church
7 de 10
Revisioning spirituality to empower an African American church toward liberative ministry
8 de 10
Facilitating solidarity between the faithful and the homeless: through a critical reflection on recent Roman Catholic social teaching
9 de 10
Enriching the understanding and experience of baptism in Kenya
10 de 10