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Sustaining independent living: an elder caring for elder ministry
1 de 10
The pastor as discipler and church planter: the development of a new church through cells in the urban environment
2 de 10
Worship as evangelism: how worship services can be used to reach college youth
3 de 10
Sacred imaging: prayerful dancers as icons of God
4 de 10
Program for helping Campus Crusade staff develop into more effective evangelists in pluralistic cultures
5 de 10
The anointed pulpit
6 de 10
The implementation of the mass evangelism component of the intentionally evangelistic church pilot strategy in the Westwood Baptist Church. Live Oak, Florida
7 de 10
Preaching the stories of shalom to Congregations of Civility
8 de 10
Developing a literacy program in the local church
9 de 10
Shaping blended worship at Spring Valley Baptist Church in Columbia, South Carolina
10 de 10