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A map through the minefield: church merger as a strategy for starting new faith communities
1 de 10
The wellspring of discernment: a hermeneutic model for pastoral guidance
2 de 10
Narrative biblical preaching that attends to learning styles
3 de 10
Equipping staff and lay leaders to intentionally grow, nurture, and lead a multicultural congregation
4 de 10
Assembling the remnants: a context-specific homiletical theory for Chilean Lutherans
5 de 10
Training and nurture for social crisis ministry in the local Baptist congregation
6 de 10
Economic/geographic biases and new church development in the Memphis Annual Conference
7 de 10
Preaching in a television-saturated culture
8 de 10
Integrating spiritual gift awareness into leadership training
9 de 10
'In old age they still produce fruit': the enabling and equipping of older adults for leadership in church renewal
10 de 10