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Résultats de recherche
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The design and implementation of a seminar for the purpose of training disciplers to assist disciples to work through unresolved anger and unresolved guilt
1 de 10
The ethics of Christian preaching
2 de 10
Is a church-operated health system viable in the nation's capital?
3 de 10
Developing the laity of the Skokie Valley Baptist Church of Wilmette, Illinois to embrace the value of cultural diversity
4 de 10
The Nehemiah Project: empowering laity for leadership through training
5 de 10
Training laity in evangelism to reach Generation X
6 de 10
The effect of 'metanoia': a 40-day season of prayer on heart attitudes of Murray Hill United Methodist Church
7 de 10
Turnabout from the low ebb: a study of how mid-sized urban churches in transitional neighborhoods have effected turnabouts in worship attendance
8 de 10
Strangers in their own homeland: the case of African refugees and the church's mission strategy
9 de 10
An inquiry into preaching that drives a multi-step strategy for revitalizing established churches
10 de 10