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Résultats de recherche
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The development of a Christian education for the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship
1 de 10
Facing suffering with the help of fiction
2 de 10
Set apart: free church polity and the isolation of pastors
3 de 10
Worship: structure and freedom in celebration of God; a course in worship
4 de 10
Joining generations: using the sesquicentennial history of Mount Gilead Baptist Church, Keller, Texas to build community
5 de 10
A discovery of the significance of church building in the fulfillment of the Great Commission
6 de 10
Restart: an alternative for reclaiming churches
7 de 10
World-building through mediation: mediation patterns and roles
8 de 10
Equipping laity to do hospital visitation
9 de 10
Leaders empowering leaders: developing a model of leadership for the staff leadership team of the Beverly Heights Church
10 de 10