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Résultats de recherche
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Reviving church empowerment through multi-dimensional prayer ministry at Rainbow Community Praise Center of Seventh-day Adventists, Rancho Cucamonga, California
1 de 10
An analysis of the requirement of baptism by immersion for church membership: Middleburg Baptist Church, Middleburg, Virginia
2 de 10
A development of a program for the training of Christian and Missionary Alliance nominating committees: a program development and evaluation
3 de 10
Prophecy at twilight: apologetic preaching in a postmodern world
4 de 10
Developing a Community Family Life Resource Center
5 de 10
Indentifying needs and assessing needs-based preaching: First Baptist Church, Rockmart, Georgia
6 de 10
The Tongan Pentecost of 1834: a revival in the kingdom of Tonga: a possible key for renewal and unity for the Tongan Church today
7 de 10
The assessment of a self-study course designed to develop mentoring commitment and competency among Australian Baptist church leaders
8 de 10
Community service as a model for church outreach
9 de 10
Church planting in Sweden in the 21st century: a model for new Methodist churches
10 de 10