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A dream team process of strategic planning for holistic community ministry: Allen Temple Baptist Church of Oakland, California
1 de 10
The Lebanese Shiite women's worldview: implications for evangelism
2 de 10
The intentional use of questions to facilitate adult learning
3 de 10
An educational resource for the Souper Bowl of Caring
4 de 10
The Nominations and Personnel Committee as a tool for laity activation within United Methodist congregations of the Alabama-West Florida Conference
5 de 10
A theology of hope: a paradigm for ministry
6 de 10
An evangelistic strategy for reaching baby boomers in Rock Island County, Illinois
7 de 10
Developing a mission strategy at Faith Baptist Church in Bartlett, Tennessee
8 de 10
Developing a strategy for reducing membership loss in Baptist churches in Uganda
9 de 10
Nurturing a spirituality of chutzpah on a church-related college campus
10 de 10