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Towards effective pastoral transition in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1 de 10
Training disciple makers
2 de 10
The New Church Start Pastors' Academy: training pastors to successfully plant new churches
3 de 10
Preaching to Canad[a]'s unchurched English speaking population
4 de 10
Can lay leaders at OakWood Church successfully identify, make informed decisions about solving, and accept ownership for the solutions to key missional problems in the area of outreach?
5 de 10
Equipping pastors in a two-thirds world setting to enable church members to discover their spiritual gifts: through a seminary-level training course
6 de 10
'Whether we live or whether we die we are the Lord's': an educational program for the training of volunteer companions for the dying in a church-related long-term care setting
7 de 10
Using the biblical languages in preaching and teaching
8 de 10
An alternative salary structure for United Methodist clergy of the Memphis Annual Conference
9 de 10
Establishing a discipleship ministry using a Pauline athletic metaphor: Evangel Temple Assembly of God, Grand Prairie, Texas
10 de 10