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Résultats de recherche
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Developing a functional model for a multicultural, multiethnic, multiracial congregation
1 de 10
Building the foundations for a multicultural church
2 de 10
Transitioning toward ministry teams in a traditional United Methodist Church
3 de 10
The study and practice of prayer within a congregational setting
4 de 10
Formation of a District Superintendent: a personal story of growth and accountability
5 de 10
Ministry with the homeless in Staunton, Virginia
6 de 10
The development and implementation of an Edwardsean model of Christian spirituality
7 de 10
Preaching about death today
8 de 10
Applying God's demonstrated love for the purpose of communicating the gospel in eastern and southern Africa
9 de 10
An experiment to explore the effectiveness of evangelistic outreach on Sunday mornings
10 de 10