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Résultats de recherche
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Whole, healthy and holy: developing synagogue rituals and services for spiritual healing
1 de 10
Terminal illness and the experience of God: a qualitative study of the transitional stage
2 de 10
An intercessory prayer strategy for evangelism in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
3 de 10
The value of the internet for pastoral competence
4 de 10
The theology and practice of worship: a two credit course to equip pastors for biblical ministry
5 de 10
Buildings in balance: assessment of church buildings
6 de 10
TEAMission: designing and implementing a training model using a team approach that teaches, equips, and mobilizes members of a local church for the mission of planting churches in West Pangasinan, Philippines
7 de 10
An evaluation of Brethren in Christ preaching using hermeneutical principles distilled from an inductive interpretive methodology
8 de 10
The design and implementation of a catechesis: for evangelical converts from a Greek Orthodox background
9 de 10
The Lutheran WATCH retreat as an instrument of personal renewal and of assimilation and involvement in the church
10 de 10