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Résultats de recherche
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Salvation and liturgy: an Advent and Christmas Eve project
1 de 10
Applying a spiritual warfare cosmology to preaching
2 de 10
Collaborative sermon preparation teams
3 de 10
Money worship: a window into the idols of the heart
4 de 10
Physical healing in 'main line' congregations
5 de 10
Preaching as pastoral care using collaborative preaching group
6 de 10
John Wesley and peacemaking
7 de 10
An evaluation of the family ministries of the Immanuel Bible Church, Springfield, Virginia: a case study
8 de 10
A study of the uniqueness of John Wesley's class meeting and its application to [the] Korean Church
9 de 10
Developing an ethno-missionary strategy for encouraging church-planting in metropolitan D.C. area: Korean Baptist churches
10 de 10