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Spiritual and psychological healing of persons living with AIDS through education in the Korean Christian context
1 de 10
Small groups: a strategy for ministry with young single adults in the United States Air Force
2 de 10
The search for shalom in the parish: conflict processes in theory and practice
3 de 10
Parallel, separate, or multilingual congregations? a study of four large North American Chinese churches in search of a ministry paradigm for Sacramento Chinese Baptist Church
4 de 10
Resurrection strategies for urban neighborhood churches in the Wesleyan holiness tradition
5 de 10
The use of metaphor in pastoral psychotherapy: a qualitative study of five pastoral counselors
6 de 10
'O marvelous exchange': a mystagogical catechesis of the eucharist
7 de 10
The art and science of Messianic Jewish preaching
8 de 10
Knowledge, vital piety, and Christian living: the role of theological reflection and Christian experience in ministry with the poor
9 de 10
Images of pastoral ministry for the contemporary North American church
10 de 10