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God as we understood God: a program which can help Roman Catholics who are in 12 step recovery to find a healthy God representation
1 de 10
Transforming decision-making in a congregation
2 de 10
New wineskins: formation of a ministry of multimedia education integrating the Bible, geography, and archaeology
3 de 10
Transforming New Covenant Fellowship Church into a cell based church
4 de 10
Toward more desirable family relationships for pastoral care and ministry in the church: case studies for intermarried families (Korean wives - American husbands)
5 de 10
The ministry of team preaching: a manual for consecutive interpretation in a bilingual Chinese-American church
6 de 10
The design and implementation of a course for the Séminaire Théologique Nazaréen d'Haiti entitled L'Introduction au leadership chrétien
7 de 10
A process for birthing church vision
8 de 10
The revitalization of the First Evangelical Free Church of McKeesport
9 de 10
Operation S.A.V.E.: an African-centered church and media model for alcohol prevention
10 de 10