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Résultats de recherche
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A new paradigm for Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Sessions
1 de 10
Leadership development network: strategic equipping of leaders for local church ministry
2 de 10
A study to determine the viability of a congregational based, education oriented, marriage enrichment program, designed and evaluated based on survey results from the ENRICH marital inventory as developed by David H. Olson, Ph.D.
3 de 10
Equipping the members: organizing an effective congregational teaching day and follow-on program
4 de 10
The implications of ministry development in traditional, inner-city churches, one hundred years or greater in the twenty-first century
5 de 10
God is moving by God's Spirit: a curriculum for understanding the Full Gospel Baptist Church in a local congregation
6 de 10
From band-aid healing to holistic healing: empowering the homeless for direction and quality living
7 de 10
The development and implementation of an evangelism strategy for fraternity and sorority students at Texas Tech University
8 de 10
Pastoral counseling: bridge between church and culture
9 de 10
The development of an operations manual for Harvest Community Church, Oak Creek, Wisconsin
10 de 10