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Regional church starting strategies for evangelizing the Dakotas
1 de 10
Making Pentecost Christians: the parish as an initiating community
2 de 10
Come and see: an interactive tool for Christian discipleship
3 de 10
Calling or co-optation: revisioning ministry in the United Church of Canada
4 de 10
Leadership development in the multiracial, multi-ethinic, multicultural congregation
5 de 10
Honor and shame: a healing paradigm for the mission of the church
6 de 10
The development and deployment of a comprehensive small group ministry for the First Baptist Church of Pontiac, Michigan
7 de 10
Crisis and transition: an examination of ministers' decisions to enter advanced training in pastoral therapy
8 de 10
Designing and promoting an adult ministry for Covenant Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama
9 de 10
Establishing a wellness clinic at International Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee
10 de 10