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Résultats de recherche
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Developing an urban ministry curricula for the Carlson Institute of North Central University: a shared Christian praxis
1 de 10
Preaching Proverbs: communicating biblical truth through wisdom literature
2 de 10
Coming to the rainbow: a study of cross-racial, cross-cultural appointments in the United methodist Church of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference
3 de 10
Equipping pastors and church leaders to prepare their congregation to sponsor new work
4 de 10
The African American funeral and its potential for evangelism
5 de 10
More than meets the eye: visual medium for ministry
6 de 10
Developing a Christ-centered/people/driven church: phase two--identifying the needs of First Baptist Church
7 de 10
Spiritual awakenings: developing a higher level of spirituality in the congregation
8 de 10
Revitalizing a declining traditional church in an urban context: through identifying and responding to community social needs
9 de 10
A workshop to motivate ministers and church leaders to use the technology of the information age
10 de 10