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Plight to Plow Ministry: a new paradigm in church starting
1 de 10
Pastoral counseling groups: meeting the pastoral counseling needs of Air Force personnel
2 de 10
A discovery of God's life in both church and community through mutual practice and reflection
3 de 10
Biblical preaching and church growth: the role of the lectionary
4 de 10
The process of implementing training network disciplemaking philosophy and practices at Riverview Evangelical Free Church
5 de 10
A strategy for revival in Rockford, Illinois, based on the pattern of revival in Scripture, and verified through selected revivals in history
6 de 10
Recovering Anglican spirituality: reflections on a diocesan program to promote spiritual formation in congregations
7 de 10
Paradigm shifts and spiritual gifts: rediscovering god's design for the ministry of the body of Christ
8 de 10
It's not working: the search for new structural models within the congregation
9 de 10
Teaching lay people to prepare a biblical message
10 de 10