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Atla Newsletter Volume 27 Number 2
1 de 10
Atla Newsletter Volume 27 Number 4
2 de 10
Ethnic Conversion and Its Significance in the Light of Religious Psychology and Education
3 de 10
Factors That Influence Marital Satisfaction Among Remarried Couples
4 de 10
A spiritual-moral imagination inculturating a spirituality of reconciliation in the Korean context : 'Pan-puri,' a way of homecoming
5 de 10
The design and development of an online encyclopedia of Canadian Christian leaders
6 de 10
Addressing biblical illiteracy: a response to a growing concern in the Christian church
7 de 10
Hope-oriented pastoral care and counseling: an application of colution-focused pastoral counseling theory
8 de 10
Qualitative research on the causes of burnout among North American Chinese Evangelical Free Churches pastors
9 de 10
Soul studies in a pluralistic age: a study of the soul in the Western tradition
10 de 10