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Résultats de recherche
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A study of the Dong San Church growth through implementation of evangelism
1 de 10
A study on 'the construction of the church building' for church growth with special reference to the care of the construction of Daeshin church building
2 de 10
Closed communion as a Gospel practice
3 de 10
Research about restoration of holy communion service: dealing with the cyber church
4 de 10
A study of effective strategies for bringing up new believers in faith from the early stage of faith to discipleship
5 de 10
Beauty in worship: the perception of qualities of beauty and their relationship to evaluating beauty, fulfillment, and inspiration in worship
6 de 10
The common leadership qualities of Nazarene women pastors who have led good to great churches
7 de 10
Creating the context to raise up people into ministry in the local church: fanning the flame
8 de 10
The effectiveness of expositional, narrative, and topical preaching in a new church setting
9 de 10
Preaching Christian doctrine in a post-Christian society
10 de 10