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Résultats de recherche
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Developing an effective witnessing method and training by comparing two Western witnessing methods
1 de 10
Collection development: relevance and implications for the Herman Herzog Theological Library of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon
2 de 10
A youth curriculum for the Presbyterian Church of East Africa
3 de 10
Leading a church to evangelize senior adults through a community recreation program
4 de 10
Encouraging church growth through adult professions of faith in a local congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America
5 de 10
Training lay leaders through the mentoring ministry in Saenuri Korean Baptist Church
6 de 10
Spirit in art: ministry for immigrant and minority youth
7 de 10
Body building: the role of church leaders in deploying church members in ministry
8 de 10
A plan for training for Korean and Korean American pastors in the effective use of the cell church method
9 de 10
A youth ministry model to change male attitudes in the rural church
10 de 10