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Résultats de recherche
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Implementing a twenty-four hour spiritual formation retreat for United Methodist pastors
1 de 10
Taking philanthropy out of the box: a call narrative
2 de 10
From chrysalis to flight: communal and individual transformation through multigenerational preaching
3 de 10
Speaker for the dead: the funeral service
4 de 10
Reflection compassion and an invitation to growth: spiritual companioning as a model of relationship for pastors and parish relations
5 de 10
A vision for you: rebuilding the wall, restoring the people, reclaiming the mission, exploring a preaching partnership for the renewal of an inner city church as a multi-cultural community of faith using the preaching event as the creating instrument
6 de 10
The preacher as blues singer
7 de 10
The healing circle: creating ritual process for juvenile sex offenders
8 de 10
Bible study with survivors of sexual abuse and domestic violence: transformed interpretive practice
9 de 10
Beyond 'kitchen theology/economics': a new paradigm of Christian stewardship
10 de 10