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Résultats de recherche
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Personal expressions of covenant as sacramental preaching
1 de 10
A Wesleyan intervention: from prejudice to hospitality toward chemically addicted persons
2 de 10
Trust, inclusivity and rhetoric in the Northwest Ohio Association of the United Church of Christ
3 de 10
Just doing it: preaching social justice in a way that empowers the congregation to social action
4 de 10
Sermons from the pew: a small group story-sharing, Bible study approach to the sermon
5 de 10
Revisioning fruitlessness: a cross cultural ministry for infertile women
6 de 10
The university church: a crucible for integrating faith and work
7 de 10
Nurturing men to wholeness: a forum for a local parish
8 de 10
Reclaiming the Kanaka Maoli voice in preaching as social act and celebration
9 de 10
Equipping lay leaders for caregiving
10 de 10